Retreats & Ceremonies


It's important to live a reverent life, because if not, life can become painful or lonely, but knowing that we can connect to the cycles of the earth and with each other is very powerful. Being in ceremony with others you can find support and tap into ancestral energies of oneness and feel more connected to life.




Community is essential to our well-being. And learning to tap into the elements in Fire ceremonies, Sun ceremonies, or Moon ceremonies are so essential to us learning to live in integrity with the earth - understand that we are interconnected the way trees understand this, they are a network. Trees are constantly intermingling and are always aware of each others presence and when a tree is lacking energy or fallen ill, they gather their resources to support and heal that tree. They understand, unlike us, that together they are stronger, more vibrant and as such they grow an entire healthy forest; they do this naturally without even thinking! So in my ceremonies I want to take people to a space of re-learning about our connection to the planet. To understand we are the elements and that we are HER! How can we self-care if we are not in coherence with the earth? That's one thing ancestors knew, they knew she was our greatest healer and they also knew this energy was a sacred exchange.


To find out about upcoming retreats or ceremonies please connect with me and check out the calendar of events above.



When I started hosting retreats I was the yoga instructor. I would take people into nature and what most inspired me was seeing their walls crumble and watch them transform after 3 days of absolute nature. This is when I knew retreats are an essential part of living a balanced life. I also understood the importance of the meals served during a retreat because they were always intentional and one could be more sensitive to the vibration of the food while retreating.

I was so inspired by the food that I started preparing them myself. Let’s face it, after doing some deep diving, it feels so good to eat a hearty meal full of intention.

This fuels my passion for catering and hosting!


For catering menus and fees please send me an email with details of what you need.