“La Libertad esta en ser dueños de nuestras Vidas"


My mother did not know what to do with my ability to want to celebrate his life. I knew he was physically gone but I felt so deeply his infinite existence. I couldn't explain it and when I tried, I was told to forget him and let go. But I rebelled and I love myself for that. I also had turned to alcohol, bulimia, and cutting myself in order to mask the pain that I was feeling. My mother and brother were dealing with their own trauma. I can understand how they didn't have it in them to hold space for my process too.

It wasn't until my beautiful mother Beatriz turned to psychotherapy for her own healing. She then confirmed and apologized to me for not believing and supporting my connection and sensitivity to the spiritual world. She literally breathed air back into my body. It's like I was brought back to life. She introduced me to the healing powers of crystals and reminded me to reconnect to Pachamama for healing. She taught me that I had choices and I didn't have to continue living in my pain body.

It's because of this sacred experience that I am who I am now. My passion is to guide people into safe spaces so they to can heal from their traumas. Whether it be in my yoga classes, moon ceremonies, shamanic cooking classes, intuitive art sessions, Reiki sessions, or a random walk in the park or hanging out on my porch. I long for people to build a strong connection with their soul and its difficult to do so when your mind and heart are in complete chaos.



For as long as I can remember I have been a lover of the natural way of life. My connection to Pachama was passionate and fierce. Growing up we took frequent trips to mi Bella Colombia, a country so lush with green and magical mountains that spoke to me. I remember arriving at the airport of Cartagena and feeling so emotional with my first inhale of ocean scented air and the hot embrace of the tropical breeze. I was welcomed by the souls of the elements. This feeling that was so different from my Toronto life.

Although I was born and raised in Toronto Canada. Colombia felt like my real home. The music, the people, the food, the orange trees that grew in my tia's backyard; they were all experiences that I will never forget. I'm grateful to have had parents that allowed me to play in the dirt, I built relationships with worms and created potions for the sick with the plants that surrounded me. Pachama to me was my Goddess and I always felt best when surrounded by her.

At the age of 9 yrs old my beloved father got shot on my doorstep; one of my many initiations into the underworld. I was now walking in unknown territory without a father to protect me. I felt brokenhearted and abandoned, but, also very confused by the sensing of his never ending presence.


I have been told that in my presence people feel nurtured and safe, almost like a mother energy to many. I feel that I have my two boys Isaiah and Nathanial to thank for that.

These boys challenge me in so many ways. I learned very quickly that if you have any lingering undealt with issues or pain they will reflect that back to you, which was very difficult to swallow because the blaming game had zero chance for survival here. It was, and still is to this day, because of them that I am doing my best to be the best version of myself so the space is created for them to do the same for themselves. It's a life time journey that doesn't have an end, so I teach them presence and the importance of self mastery and love and equanimity with the world around them. Homeschooling is so important to me because, we can guide the education to be more organic towards who they truly are. It is the school of life.

This is why my brand Mama Soul Living is the next evolution of me because I can support others who also believe in living this way and are ready to step into their glory.


Mama Soul Living is a network of many aspect of living a wholesome life. We need Mother Nature, we need community, we need good wholesome foods, we need ceremony to heal trauma in a supportive environment. Mama Soul Living is about living a reverent life, and being present enough to make enlightened choices. For example, the importance of knowing where your food is coming from, and making the choice to purchase from local farmers and going straight to your table. Seeing beauty in everything is the way of Mama Soul Living.

How did the name Mama Soul Living come to be?

My bestie was in my kitchen one day wanting to watch me prepare her mom's birthday raw vegan cheesecake and while she was in my world she channeled this name… Mama Soul Living, because she saw the many branches of Paula. My kids are with me at home, she saw my parenting, my art, my cooking, my home and as my soul sister she felt how I connect with all aspects of my life at a soul level. I connect through my soul to all that surrounds me. She began to doodle a woman on a piece of paper and almost in unison we said "Mama Soul Living". We started envisioning "Can you imagine what this world would be like if everyone was living at that level, the soul level, understanding their journey!!" And so that led to a shift in consciousness from just me to a more communal vision, she amplified my world to a global vision.

Mama Soul Living is a space of communion where we can empower ourselves to live a consciously soulful life.



Mama Soul living embodies so many of us. Aren't we all Mama or Papa Soul living?

The Vision is to live in unison with mother nature and our true self.

The Mission is to take active steps towards being in integrity with who we really are.

"I truly believe there is a sacred contract with mother earth, we can not survive without her and she needs us too".