My Journey To Becoming a Vegan Chef

The first time I became a vegan it was more for the purpose of losing weight. I did not educate myself at all on how to support my body with this transition. So I feel that I actually put myself in danger because I was literally just living off of salad, beans, and chips. I remember people telling me that I looked really pale and sick. I will never forget feeling so exhausted and miserable, especially in fall and winter, so I decided to let it go, veganism was not for me.

It wasn't until I started practicing yoga that I reintroduced veganism to my life. According to the teachings of yoga, all living creatures come from the same divine spark. This extends to animals as well; therefore, eating them is an act of violence. This practice of living a life focused on non-violence and unconditional love can be a catalyst for following a vegan diet.

This time around it felt quite different. I felt more knowledgeable and supported. I was now a part of the Yoga Community where most of us were non meat-eaters and we shared the belief that this practice of not eating meat would bring us closer to enlightenment or make us better yogis.

I remember so clearly my first experience at the Shanti Retreat in Wolf Island. It was my first time attending and hosting a weekend yoga getaway. I was absolutely blown away with the food that was served to us. It was alive and vibrant. It was so full of love and it was taking me on a complete journey. It was magical and so nourishing for my soul. The colours, the creativity with flavours. I felt the foods’ vibrations and frequency in my body.

I swear.... each bite spoke to me so clearly.

I was activated. I was so moved and so incredibly inspired to learn how to create such soul food. In the past, I had noticed that there are tons of processed vegan food that is just as unhealthy as the food its trying to imitate, I felt limited in choice. So experiencing THIS was life changing. I left the retreat feeling like I had a new purpose. I felt that my new mission in life was to create meals that are medicine for the mind, body, and soul. Meals that activate all of your chakras just by looking, and smelling, and tasting. Meals that heal. And most importantly meals that plug us deeply into Mother Earth and leave us feeling nourished, happy, and super satisfied!

I began to educate myself on Raw Vegan Cuisine. I took numerous courses. Attended many workshops and shadowed very dear friends that are Vegan Chefs that didn't hold back on their secrets. I was so dedicated that I actually took a break from teaching Yoga and made cooking my main priority. I soon became the Chef at yoga retreats, the creator of vegan menus, and catered many events. I loved every second of it. I noticed how important it was to me that people build a healthy and conscious relationship with their food. Especially after I healed myself from Crohn's Disease.

I began to create Shamanic cooking classes which included meditation, honouring and acknowledging the land in which the food came from, honouring the people that planted the seeds and harvested. Acknowledging our ancestors and their wisdom.

I encouraged people to be present with the colours, with the shapes of our fruits and vegetables. To study their impeccable symmetrical patterns and to bring this genius creation of God, of Mother Earth into our bodies.

To be ONE with this energy and with this perfection which led us to a profound practice of self love. My goal was and still to this day is to bring back the excitement and patience for cooking into people's life's.

I want people to treat it as if it were a ritual or a ceremony because really it truly is and it will change you forever. I invite you to learn with me and enter this beautiful world - even is just starting with some delicious truffles! Or visiting me at The Easy Health Food Store - 1276 Bloor St W, Toronto - and come into my kitchen space - You are all invited!


The Power of Food